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DeFi Wealth Bible
Welcome to Decentralized Finance
Blue Pill or Red Pill? - Welcome (1:30)
Crypto Investor State of Mind
Active Accumulation Mindset (1:11)
Becoming our own Bank - The Manifest Destiny. (Cutting out the middle-men) (1:05)
(NEW🔥) Buy - Borrow - Die | Wealth Creation Cycle (2:21)
Power of DCA (0:47)
1- Coin Research Blueprint
How to do 'due diligence' w/ new projects (1:57)
Understanding Tokenomics / value of a coin. (6:09)
(NEW🔥) Explaining Token FDV + emissions + inflation (5:07)
Treasury Analysis 101 (1:54)
Analytics Pt 1. - daily and monthly user counts + TVL (4:21)
(NEW🔥) Analytics Pt 2. - Insider Trading (LEGALLY) (4:35)
Analytics Pt 3. - Spying on the Big Dogs (1:43)
Analytics Pt 4. - DeFi Dashboards: Dune Analytics (3:26)
(NEW🔥) The DeFi App Cheatsheet (2:01)
2 - The Essential HODLs: What to hold, & what to really hold.
Essential HODL #1 (The Two Giants) (2:59)
Essential HODL #2: Betting on DeFi (1:51)
Essential HODL #3: The most comfortable BED you've slept in (1:20)
Essential HODL #4: A Metaverse Future... (1:28)
Buying Crypto? Exchanges? (1:57)
3 - LEARNING: Crypto 101
What is a blockchain? For Dummies (2:26)
(NEW🔥) Which Blockchain To Use? (4:28)
Your Masterkey to DeFi - Crypto Wallets (1:52)
What is DeFi? (10:26)
Decentralized Apps (Dapps) 101 (3:00)
Stablecoins 101 (1:36)
Blockchain Gas Fees 101 (4:49)
Decentralization 101
(NEW🔥) Gas Fees 101 (3:29)
TradFi vs DeFi (2:56)
DEX's 101 (6:50)
Lending and Borrowing 101 (4:55)
Yield Farming 101 (2:48)
Staking 101 (1:39)
Auto-Compounding Vaults 101 (1:47)
Cross-Chain 101 (3:11)
Blockchains & Bridges 101 (1:42)
Bridging Funds Walk Thru Example - From Ethereum to Fantom (5:46)
(NEW🔥) Switching Networks | Made Easy (1:43)
Bridges Directory! (ETH / POLYGON / AVAX...
4 - Touring Your New Permissionless Bank Account
Setting Up Your MetaMask Crypto Wallet! (8:46)
Quick MetaMask Tour (6:22)
Blockchain Explorers! (3:58)
Your Crypto Portfolio Dashboard & Friend (5:05)
The Different Types of Crypto Wallets (3:26)
(NEW🔥) Hardware Wallet Explained (5:52)
(NEW🔥) Setting Up Your Ledger Hardware Wallet (0:46)
(NEW🔥) Using Ledger With MetaMask (1:14)
5 - Crypto Income Strategies & Skills:
Buying Your New Identity! (i.e kriskay.eth) (4:33)
(NEW) Taking Loans Against Our Crypto! (11:54)
(NEW🔥) 8% APY Prize Savings! PoolTogether (7:08)
(NEW🔥) 0% interest loans against your Crypto! (9:58)
Investing in a Yield Farming Hedge Fund (4:37)
(NEW🔥) Build Your Own Crypto Index! (7:39)
(NEW🔥) Long / Short Crypto Coins with 2x-30x Leverage (8:53)
(NEW) Staking Crypto (JOE) For Revenue Share! (4:31)
Swapping on a DEX! (3:06)
(NEW🔥) 7% APY Staking $AVAX (6:30)
(NEW🔥) BOOST Yield On Avalanche Chain (5:52)
How to Buy Crypto Index Funds (MVI, DPI etc...) (8:35)
(NEW🔥) Staking ETH / MATIC / SOL / DOT *PART 1 (4:35)
(NEW🔥) Staking ETH / MATIC / SOL / DOT *PART 2 (2:53)
LP position on Avalanche = Passive Income! (13:41)
6 - Yield Farming - Earning Rewards w/ Your Crypto
WTFarm? (2:48)
Give Your Crypto A Job - Putting our Coins To Work (6:30)
Anatomy of a Farm (4:32)
Calculating the Time To Money (5:45)
Farm Hunting! How to Find New Farms (6:43)
Providing Liquidity HOW-TO: Start To Finish (1:16)
How To Game The Farms
7 - NFTs - Non Fungible Tokens 101
NFTs Explained In 1 Minute (1:46)
Setting up your OpenSea account (NFT marketplace) (2:30)
Boat Tour of The OpenSea (6:17)
Creating Your First NFT! (3:46)
(NEW🔥) Using NFT Aggregators (3:37)
🎁 BONUS (Fractionalized Rental Income)
(NEW🔥) Lofty Explained (4:13)
(NEW🔥) Setting up Algorand Wallet (6:35)
(NEW🔥) Setting up Lofty account / tour (5:38)
(NEW🔥) How to purchase a property token (4:02)
(NEW🔥) Withdrawing / Spending Your Rental Income (1:12)
(NEW🔥) How to Research Properties! (8:52)
(NEW🔥) Sell-Backs & Launches (2:12)
(NEW🔥) Selling tokens back (0:57)
(NEW🔥) The Risks.. (3:29)
🎁 BONUS (NFT Loan Shark Profits)
(NEW🔥) How you make money w/ NFT loans (8:35)
(NEW🔥) A Tour of the leading NFT Lend platform (6:00)
(NEW🔥) How to make great offers (13:10)
(NEW🔥) How to borrow against your NFTs (4:26)
(NEW🔥) Hunting for Air-Drops! (4:31)
(NEW🔥) Finding the best price for a swap! (4:25)
(New🔥) Setting Limit Orders on exchanges! (2:46)
(NEW🔥) Revoking permissions / Securing Your Crypto! (8:15)
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Essential HODL #4: A Metaverse Future...
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